A great trip for my Birthday. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Wiiii

December 21, 2021 — Comments are off for this post.
A great trip for my Birthday. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Wiiii
April 10, 2021 — Comments are off for this post.
One of my favorite editorial design Pinterest collections that I find on the Internet is stored in my board number ❶ on my Pinterest. If you find one that I don't have, send it to me.
This was the first board that I opened when I started using Pinterest. An editorial design board. I like editorial design and at the time I made my account I was working in a magazine called Neue and it was a great help for me to find inspiration. ❤
Pinterest Board: https://bit.ly/3sgspTP
January 22, 2021 — Comments are off for this post.
Fiona and her love of the Asian design aesthetic.
I discovered Fiona on a trip to Paris at the Galeries Lafayette Champs-Elysées. I really liked her illustration and when I returned to Mexico I looked for her on the internet and discovered the reason for her nostalgic Korean illustration.
His work is totally influenced by the four years he spent living in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai. The use of colors, textures, icons, and graphic styles are representative of Asia.
On her return to the UK, she created a company called Wu and Wu which enabled her to transform her love of the Asian design aesthetic, nostalgia, and sweet childhood memories into her art and her product range.
Fun Fact: She recently uploaded an Instastorie where Nick Cave is buying her one of his beautiful little metal boxes.
Fiona Hewitt website: www.fionahewitt.com
Fiona Hewitt Instagram: www.instagram.com/fionahewittart
Etsy Shop: www.etsy.com/shop/FionaHewittDesigns
October 23, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
The Beautiful Screenplay Book.
Inicia una hermosa colección con este libro de la película "Hereditary".
A24, una de las actuales productoras favoritas en la industria cinematográfica que ha lanzado cuatro libros sobre una selección de sus películas: The Witch (Robert Eggers), Ex Machina (Alex Garland), Moonlight (Barry Jenkins) y Hereditary (Ari Aster).
La edición de tapa dura es de 240 páginas he incluye el guión original de Ari Aster, un ensayo de la escritora Leslie Jamison, introducción escrita por el ganador del Oscar Bong Joon Ho (Director de "Parasite") y la meticulosa lista de tomas de Aster de la escena de la sesión familiar con un hermoso diseño editorial.
Tapa dura de 8 x 11 pulg. Enjoy! ❤︎
October 23, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
The beautiful art direction of a Nightmare.
Ari Aster director de esta película exige que prestes mucha atención a los detalles y en verdad, es inevitable.
Conocí a este director por otra de sus películas; "Hereditary" y desde ahí percibí que su propuesta visual es extremadamente cuidada y pensada, desde paletas de colores bien conformadas, tapices en paredes, patrones, props de acompañamiento en los escenarios y su diseño gráfico. El director comunica mucho de la historia por medio de la dirección de arte. Su escala es impresionante.
La diseñadora y directora de arte Nille Svensson fue responsable de gran parte de este material complejo, interpretando una rica mitología (creada para la película) y tradiciones del mundo real en un arte gráfico denso que impacta desde el primer momento.
Mi primera reacción fue como 'wooooooow' porque las cosas no eran como las esperaba en ningún momento (al igual que con "Hereditary").
Los elementos gráficos juegan un papel muy importante en la narrativa de la película, comenzando con la toma de apertura y extendiéndose a los tapices y murales. Otra cosa que me llamó la atención, desde la perspectiva del diseño de producción, fue el papel que juega la simetría.
Ari Aster, al igual que Wes Anderson, se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos entre muchas cosas por por su excelente narrativa y dirección de arte.
Midsommar Director's Cut: Collector's Edition:https://shop.a24films.com/collections/all-products/products/midsommar-directors-cut-collectors-edition
I ❤ Midsommar
October 23, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
A small collection of horror movies stuff that I find on the Internet stored in my board number ❶❻ on my Pinterest.
If you find any that I don't have, send it to me.
Pinterest Board: https://bit.ly/35ow4FA
August 12, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
A great tour of Germany's Bauhaus architecture.
Vino mi papá de visita y visitamos Librerías Gandhi. Me topé con este libro y recordé cuando estuve en Alemania. Sinceramente conocí Berlín porque quedaba a 4 horas de Praga, realmente no habíamos planeado mis hermanas y yo visitarlo, pero una vez estando ahi, fué más que genial y me encantaría regresar.
La intención de comprar este libro es conocer la mejor ruta para en un futuro (espero no muy lejano) poder hacer una visita completa dedicada a la arquitectura Bauhaus de Alemania.
Este libro analiza en profundidad más de 100 lugares que aún se pueden visitar en la actualidad. Cada sección presenta sitios importantes que tienen antecedentes históricos. Me encanta que están ilustradas con fotografías históricas y van acompañadas de información turística actualizada.
A lo largo del libro, existen ensayos breves que destacan eventos y figuras importantes del movimiento Bauhaus, lo cuál te ayuda a comprender mucho mejor la historia del movimiento.
Fotografías tomadas de: https://www.counter-print.co.uk/
August 11, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
From Chicago a sample of his fun and great work.
Travis Lampe is a surreal illustrator from a small town in Kansas. His style is great. I found out about his work through a store in Monterrey Mx. (which by the way no longer exists) which was called "Rojo Bermelo" where you could find figures of illustrators or even projects by local artists. Their illustrations remind me a lot of Adventure Time stories.
I loved their "teardrops" collection and later acquired it online. From then on I like to see his work and I hope one day to have an illustration of him at home, it would be great :). I read that you currently live and work in Chicago.
Travis Lampe website: http://www.travislampe.com/
Travis Lampe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travislampe
August 11, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
A small collection of great packaging designs that I found on the Internet.
I have them all on my # ❸ board on my Pinterest.
If you find any that I don't have, I'd appreciate sending it to me.
Pinterest board: https://bit.ly/2Fgz4uf
July 8, 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
A great artist and illustrator from London.
London artist and illustrator Magda Archer creates cool kitsch art characters sharing bad words.
Archer's retro artwork is completely has a surreal kitsch sensibility. Magda grew up in a minimalist, modern house with designer parents who enjoyed quiet spaces. Perhaps rebelling because of her parents' harsh taste, Magda embarked on an artistic career filled with color, embellishment, and visual humor. Her first degree was in Graphic Design at the Chelsea School of Art.
Recently she collaborated with Marc Jacobs and I managed to get one of the bags in this collection (the orange one) 🙂 … happiness.
I share some of the things about her work that I like, and enjoy! ♥